Monday, March 8, 2010

Gratitude Challenge: Day 18

Dori says...

For the gorgeous soul in you.

Your empathic heart.

The unfathomable commonsense and sense of humor you possess.

For your unquenchable thirst for knowledge and wisdom.

Your quiet resolve amidst the restless storms of life.

The amicable style you handle contradictions.

Your flair in creativity and artistry.

For being a reservoir of joy.

Nothing is as witty as the way you conquer and challenge yourself and make the most of whatever is handed to you.

You see things in all of its perspectives and give it meaningful disposition.

You won't settle for mediocrity and wouldn't give up easily in aiming for what's upright, which you rightfully deserve.

You are a defender of the bullied, an uplifter of the defeated, and a healer of the broken spirit.

I hope this gives justice in describing how lovable you are. To encapsulate you in one word, charming is an underestimate.. astounding is.

Most of all, you now exactly know when milk is good for you and when it's time for beer.

Cheers to maturing ahead of your time! I am so proud to be part of your everyday and a witness to your beautiful unfolding. I am ever more grateful because of your love that refreshes like a long-awaited rain on a dry summer's day.

Auj says...

I have been doing this 100 things/reasons about you for the past week of why I love you in and between work. And here goes:

1. You accept me entirely as I am.
2. You would risk your being naturally frugal just to make me happy. I sense that. *lol
3. You make me feel so much loved that I get to accept easily my own imperfections.
4. You never fail to make me a wake-up coffee in the morning.
5. You value my thoughts and opinions.
6. You are willing to arrange the bed before I go to sleep and after I wake up.
7. You fight your own fears as long as it is for the relationship's survival.
8. You give me a good massage everytime you sense that I am overworked.
9. You laugh at my jokes.
10. You have a unique pair of eyes. It is either you look as if you lack so much sleep or you simply overslept.
11. You pick the hairs that grow out of my arm pit.
12. You stay calm and never show any sign of worry each time I get sick.
13. You can tolerate my mother.
14. You can tolerate my crazy family.
15. You listen unceasingly to my deepest rants and raves.
16. You always remind me how it is to be kind.
17. You always drive me to destinations that I need to be in.
18. You appreciate my love for books, movies and music.
19. You cook like a true cook. *deliciosa *raises a scorecard of 10
20. You drink hard with me, even if it gets you drunk too.
21. You appreciate my being weird.
22. You act cute like a little kid when you want some good amount of attention from me.
23. You try not to appear or sound biased but you still always make me feel that you take my side.
24. You forgive easy unlike me.
25. You make me feel listened to.
26. Your huge appetite keeps me healthy. *LOL
27. You listen attentively to weird and eccentric dreams at night that I tell to you in the morning.
28. You are the more balanced version of myself.
29. You've erased your fears to try.
30. We get scared together.
31. You encourage me by giving me strength.
32. You try hard being cruel. *lol

You know this is never easy once you get to try. Then suddenly I thought I just want to make this list endless for as long as we are together. This time, I am not putting an end to things. ;)



For others, moving forward might mean that the more time you spend together, the more pain of the past you would have to endure. But for us, moving forward would mean more time to recall all the wonderful memories we have had made together. I can say that the best and most unforgettable moments of my life were spent with you.

So here's to the space I once devoted to you which shows the rest of my gratefulness of having you in my life -- Reader By Night.

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It would be our pleasure to hear you speak.. :) So go ahead.

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