Thursday, January 7, 2010

Gratitude Challenge: Day 3

"You gotta fall in order to mend..." -Brand New Day

Dori says...

Today I am grateful that I woke up early and spent the morning having breakfast with Auj, read the newspaper and shared opinions. Most especially grateful about being able to openly discuss issues the night before and venting out some stuff bothering me in between sobs. Yes, I am a cry baby :D.

My two cents' worth on this is true communication is not an easy process especially when your guards are off and lashing out emotions means you risk being judged and judging others as well. The real good thing about the process, though, is that it creates a space for adjustment pains and keeps unhealthy suppression at bay, thus creating an atmosphere where two people compromise and respect each other's feelings and beliefs, being honest enough to let it all out without pretension, and at the same time heal yourself of whatever emotional drama is going on inside your head.

"I should know who I am by now.. And I do." - Winter

Auj says...

Today, I feel grateful for being alive. And I am grateful for another zealous spirit that stays alive beside me, Dori's.

I want to thank God for all that He has given me, people and things, such wonderful blessing just to express His love to me and make my life easy. I realize most of the time that just like most people, I may not be spending ample time to thank Him for simply being alive instead of filling it with the same old worries and struggles that everyday may throw at us.

I thank God for always forgiving me for my gratefulness being shortlived at times. It makes me wonder at times that when we utter unanswered prayers, could it be that God is annoyed with the absence of appreciation from our end for the prayers that He answered?

I feel grateful for realizing that I want to be grateful for what I do have and been given.

1 comment:

It would be our pleasure to hear you speak.. :) So go ahead.

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